Clinic 4 brought us to a Hindu primary school. This was Project Starfish’s 6th visit with this group and it was obvious from the moment we walked out of the van; the Principal ran to greet Dr. Kepes and Sister Atmaja in the same manner and emotion that families greet each other after long absences. There were embraces, and the usual ‘your son has gotten so tall since the last I saw him’ remarks.

The stations were quickly put in place: registration, vital signs, intake, diabetic screening, physician overview, diet/exercising counseling, prescription pick up and discharge. Our students have mastered this task with such precision that by the time the welcoming ceremony is completed, our patients are ready to be seen. As with any clinic, you will see family members waiting along the outskirts of camp and in the case today, congregating in the middle under a tree to escape the daunting heat. They make a large pot of fruit flavored water; drink, talk and enjoy the fellowship of one of another. I have quickly come to realize that despite being in a developing country there are more commonalities among us then I had ever realized. At lunch we will often discuss patient compliance or poor diets/lack of exercise and I quickly realize that we are faced with the exact same set of circumstances as in our own country.

200 patients were seen and we continue to see the common themes of diabetes and hypertension. Today Dr. Kepes was also able to assist with a more complicated medical case involving an oral tumor. I leave the camp each day wondering how many lives were just changed…




Published by

Kim Williams

2 May 2018

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